Flank­steak roll with cheese and cof­fee rub

Freiluftküche November

Flank­steak Flank­steak roll with cheese and cof­fee rub a la Frei­luft­kü­che Reci­pe of the month Novem­ber It’s not just the out­side tem­pe­ra­tu­re that distin­gu­is­hes win­ter gril­ling from sum­mer gril­ling. With our bar­be­cue fire, you can crea­te a cozy atmo­sphe­re even on cold days.  Good spi­ces and regio­nal foods are often enough to cook on a super […]

Chi­li con car­ne in the Dutch Oven a la Freiluftfeuer!

Cooking in Freiluftfeuer in Dutch Oven

Chi­li con car­ne Espresso/Whisky in Dutch Oven a la Frei­luft­feu­er Reci­pe of the month Octo­ber Quan­ti­ties for 4 peo­p­le Ingre­di­ents: 2 tsp canola oil 3 medi­um oni­ons 2 gar­lic cloves 300 gr. Ground beef 300 gr. Beef goulash 3 tsp toma­to pas­te 20 cl Whis­key 2 tab­les­poons brown sugar 1 lar­ge can of toma­toes 200 ml malt beer […]