outdoor kitchen

Chi­li con car­ne Espresso/Whisky
in Dutch Oven a la Freiluftfeuer

Reci­pe of the month October

Quan­ti­ties for 4 people


  • 2 tsp canola oil
  • 3 medi­um onions
  • 2 gar­lic cloves
  • 300 gr. Ground beef
  • 300 gr. Beef goulash
  • 3 tsp toma­to paste
  • 20 cl Whiskey
  • 2 tab­les­poons brown sugar
  • 1 lar­ge can of tomatoes
  • 200 ml malt beer
  • 100 ml espres­so or strong coffee
  • 400 ml chi­cken broth
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • 2 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp coriander
  • 2–3 chi­li peppers
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 lar­ge can kid­ney beans
  • 1 can corn
Cooking in Freiluftfeuer in Dutch Oven

Need a bar­be­cue-fire modu­le and, if neces­sa­ry, a fire grill. You can also place a Dutch Oven direct­ly on the embers.

Grill-fire module

Glow 25–30 bar­be­cue bri­quet­tes (tip: it’s quick and prac­ti­cal to use a fire­place) and spread them under the Dutch Oven. Allow this to beco­me hot for 10 minutes.

Chop the oni­ons and gar­lic and fry them tog­e­ther with the min­ced meat and the beef goulash in the canola oil for about 12 minutes.

Degla­ze the meat with the whis­key and then add the toma­to pas­te. Stir in the sugar and let it cara­me­li­ze. Dura­ti­on: about 3–4 minutes

Degla­ze with the chi­cken stock, espres­so and the malt beer. Now add the can­ned tomatoes

Chop the chi­li pep­pers and add to the Dutch with the spi­ces. Now sim­mer the dish for 45 minutes.

Stir in drai­ned kid­ney beans and corn and sim­mer over now redu­ced heat (set asi­de a few bri­quet­tes if neces­sa­ry) for ano­ther 30 minutes.

Have fun coo­king outdoors & 
Bon appé­tit wis­hes the Freiluftmanufaktur!
