outdoor küche
Preisgekröntes Design aus deutschem Handwerk.

Flank­steak Flank­steak roll with cheese and cof­fee rub a la Freiluftküche

Reci­pe of the month November

It’s not just the out­side tem­pe­ra­tu­re that distin­gu­is­hes win­ter gril­ling from sum­mer gril­ling. With our bar­be­cue fire, you can crea­te a cozy atmo­sphe­re even on cold days. 

Good spi­ces and regio­nal foods are often enough to cook on a super level in terms of taste.

Even with frost and snow, many are dri­ven to the out­door kit­chen to try out gre­at recipes. 

Test yours­elf on the reci­pe of the month of November.

Quan­ti­ties for 4 people

Ingre­di­ents 1st reci­pe Step
  • 4 tbsp cof­fee beans
  • ½ tbsp sea salt
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar
  • 2 tsp sweet papri­ka powder
  • 1 tsp caraway
  • 1 tsp coriander
  • 1 tsp cocoa powder
  • 2 tsp peppercorns

(or use rea­dy made cof­fee rub like Don Marco‘s Mafia Cof­fee Rub)

Ingre­di­ents 2nd reci­pe Step
  • 1 flank­steak ca 700 gr
Ingre­di­ents 3rd Reci­pe Step
  • 1 red bell bell pepper
  • 1 tsp rape­seed oil
Ingre­di­ents 4th Reci­pe Step
  • 100 gr. Feta cheese
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 50 gr walnuts
  • 4 tbsp flat leaf parsley
  • salt
  • pep­per
Ingre­di­ents 5th Reci­pe Step
  • 1 tbsp canola oil
  • Woo­den ske­wers and kit­chen twine

Grind the cof­fee beans fine­ly. Add ground sea salt and ground pep­per. Mix in the remai­ning spi­ces and the cof­fee rub is ready.

Sli­ce the flank steak with a but­ter­fly cut par­al­lel to the grain. Rub the insi­de sur­faces with the cof­fee rub wrap in pla­s­tic wrap and lea­ve overnight.

Grill the pep­pers with the lid clo­sed for 15 min over medi­um heat. Peel off the bla­cke­ned skin, then let the pep­pers cool and cut them into small pieces.

Crum­ble feta cheese, chop gar­lic clove, pars­ley and wal­nuts. Mix all ingre­di­ents plus papri­ka in a bowl. Sea­son with salt and pepper.

Unroll the steak and app­ly the fil­ling from Step 4 even­ly to the rub­bed insi­de, lea­ving the edges free.

Now roll the steak again and tie tight­ly with kit­chen twi­ne. Mas­sa­ge light­ly with canola oil.

Sear over direct high heat with lid clo­sed for 2 minu­tes, then careful­ly turn and grill for ano­ther 2 minu­tes. Then cook in the indi­rect zone at 130 degrees to a core tem­pe­ra­tu­re of 54 degrees. Remo­ve from grill and let rest for 5 minu­tes until meat rea­ches recom­men­ded core tem­pe­ra­tu­re of 56 degrees (medi­um).

Have fun coo­king outdoors & 
Bon appé­tit wis­hes the Freiluftmanufaktur!
