Out­door kit­chen wit­hout com­pro­mi­se: Freiluftküche

individual planning

Func­tion­a­li­ty meets design

A Frei­luft­kü­che impres­ses with its clear design lan­guage wit­hout com­pro­mi­sing on equip­ment and work­man­ship. The enti­re body is screwed by hand and yet you can’t see a sin­gle screw. The har­mo­nious over­all appearance of pow­der-coa­ted pre­cis­i­on panels in mari­ne alu­mi­num is roun­ded off by a cover panel in fla­med Nero Asso­lu­to. The solid oak shel­ves pro­vi­de a har­mo­nious con­trast to the solid alu­mi­num and deep black Nero Asso­lu­to. The cus­to­mizable modu­lar sys­tem of the open-air kit­chen offers unli­mi­t­ed pos­si­bi­li­ties to give free rein to your ide­as and crea­te the open-air kit­chen of your dreams — no mat­ter in which RAL color.
We use only the hig­hest qua­li­ty mate­ri­als that are wea­ther resistant for 365 days.

The result is extre­me­ly dura­ble and an out­door kit­chen that will accom­pa­ny you relia­bly for decades.

Award-winning design from German craftsmanship.
Not­hing is more beau­tiful than a
Din­ner under the stars

ihre Out­door küche | frei­luft­kü­che — the real out­door kitchen

Enjoy the time with your fri­ends. In the Frei­luft­kü­che, kit­chen time beco­mes fami­ly time!

Freiluftküche Modules

Our modu­lar sys­tem makes your Frei­luft­kü­che uni­que

Basic module

Basic modu­le

Various basic modu­les form the solid foun­da­ti­on for your inter­pre­ta­ti­on of an out­door kit­chen. Optio­nal dra­wers, shel­ves, doors and panels pro­vi­de ple­nty of sto­rage space.

Grill-fire module


Our bar­be­cue fire modu­le sets the fli­cke­ring of the fire in a clear frame. Vibrant natu­re meets straight­for­ward design.

Grill module

Grill modu­le

Whe­ther it’s a gas bur­ner, elec­tric plan­cha or char­co­al grill, with a wide ran­ge of grills, plan­chas and a wok bur­ner, you can choo­se from a varie­ty of pre­pa­ra­ti­on options.

Water module

Water modu­le

Whe­ther for washing salad, vege­ta­bles or fish, for coo­king or sim­ply for washing hands. A sink is recom­men­ded in any case.

Light module

Light modu­le

This modu­le is a true mul­ti-talent. On the one hand, it pro­vi­des pro­tec­tion from wind and sun, which is a big plus on some ter­races, and on the other hand, it pro­vi­des wel­co­me illu­mi­na­ti­on every now and then.



Ver­sa­ti­le and wea­ther­pro­of, the BBQ Coo­ler blends seam­less­ly into the design of Frei­luft­kü­che and always pro­vi­des ple­nty of cool drinks in the sum­mer.

Island modu­le

A kit­chen island is also available for out­side. Whe­re space allows, this par­ti­cu­lar design is always an eye-cat­cher.



Of cour­se, we also offer sel­ec­ted access­ories. Add a high­light or two to your out­door kit­chen from Frei­luft­ma­nu­fak­tur.

We use only the best materials

outdoor kitchen
Drops on the hot plate. Nero Assoluto natural stone can not be harmed by any weather conditions.

Nero Asso­lu­to: fla­med and impregnated

Each work­top made of black Nero Asso­lu­to is extre­me­ly wea­ther-resistant, robust and, abo­ve all, easy to clean. To sup­port dura­bi­li­ty, Nero Asso­lu­to is impreg­na­ted and given a spe­cial fla­med sur­face finish.

Material mix high quality aluminum and Nero Assoluto natural stone.

Finest alu­mi­num with an ele­gant pow­der coating

The wea­ther resis­tance of the Frei­luft­kü­che runs through the enti­re pro­duct. Thus, we have also cho­sen a par­ti­cu­lar­ly high-qua­li­ty and resistant alloy for the body — alu­mi­num. This mate­ri­al com­bi­nes the hig­hest func­tion­a­li­ty with the finest aes­the­tics and, in com­bi­na­ti­on with a noble pow­der coa­ting, gua­ran­tees enorm­ously high cor­ro­si­on resis­tance and sta­bi­li­ty with mate­ri­al thic­k­nes­ses of up to eight millimeters.

Precision aluminum plates meet the natural product solid oak.

Shel­ves made of oak with an unu­su­al finish

All woo­den shel­ves in the Frei­luft­kü­che are made of solid, high-qua­li­ty solid oak
and form with their warm color sche­me a
har­mo­nious con­trast to the pow­der-coa­ted alu­mi­num body. They are spe­ci­al­ly finis­hed for out­door use. The beau­tiful natu­ral wood grain is com­ple­te­ly pre­ser­ved by a silk-matt, five-coat sealant with boat var­nish and is thus opti­mal­ly pro­tec­ted against the effects of the weather.

Thou­sands of possibilities

The sky is the limit — or your per­so­na­li­zed patio cover

The Frei­luft­kü­che har­mo­ni­zes per­fect­ly with Solar­lux and Ren­son ter­race roofs. While a slat­ted roof from Ren­son offers you a plea­sant cli­ma­te, espe­ci­al­ly in sum­mer, the glass roof from Solar­lux gives you an unob­s­truc­ted view of the sky. Moreo­ver, the area under the patio roof heats up won­derful­ly alre­a­dy in spring and also in autumn, so you can enjoy your gar­den and Frei­luft­kü­che even lon­ger. A nice addi­ti­on for out­door living addicts.

View in AR:If you are brow­sing with an iPho­ne or iPad, you can even place the­se examp­les vir­tual­ly on your ter­race and see how well an Frei­luft­kü­che would look there. 

Befo­re After Die Freiluftküche steht ohne Dach 365 Tage draußenBedachungen perfekt geplant, alles aus einer Hand.

The facts in black and white and lots of colorful pic­tures so you can start dreaming


Into the gar­den! You would like to expe­ri­ence our Frei­luft­kü­che live? Arran­ge a per­so­nal con­sul­ta­ti­on appointment!

Fon +49 (0) 251 590 656 20
Mail mail@freiluftmanufaktur.com

Flag­ship Showgarden

Don­ners­tag & Frei­tag: 14:30–18:00 Uhr
Sams­tag: 10:00–14:00 Uhr


Gil­de­stra­ße 7
48356 Nord­wal­de

Con­nect with an expert

Con­nect with an expert 

The first step towards your out­door kitchen.

Would you like to obtain infor­ma­ti­on and all you need is a short message?

open Whats­App

Pri­va­cy policy

mo. — fr. 10:00 ‑12:00, 13:00 — 16:00

If you would like a brief con­sul­ta­ti­on over the pho­ne, you are wel­co­me to call us direct­ly. Alter­na­tively, you can arran­ge a call­back so that we can take the time to plan tog­e­ther with you. 

Call us directly

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Yes, I have taken note of the pri­va­cy poli­cy and agree that the data I have pro­vi­ded may be coll­ec­ted and stored elec­tro­ni­cal­ly. My data will only be used strict­ly for the pur­po­se of pro­ces­sing and respon­ding to my inquiry. By sub­mit­ting the cont­act form, I agree to the pro­ces­sing of my data.

Get inspi­red

We will send you our maga­zi­ne by post

We will send you our maga­zi­ne by post

Plea­se enter the result of the fol­lo­wing equation: 

+ =

Frei­luft­kü­che locations

The way to our next part­ner is cer­tain­ly not far



moe­bel­plus Deutsch­land GmbH & Co. KG

Lin­den­stra­ße 14
09241 Mühlau

Cont­act per­son: Rico Kellner
Fon: +49 (0) 3722 5989 29
Mail: kueche@moebelplus.de
Web: www.moebelpluskuechen.de


Gar­ten­fa­brik Hausmann

Har­den­berg­stra­ße 10
10623 Berlin

Cont­act per­son: Vol­ker Hausmann
Fon: +49 (0) 30 565 82 555
Mail: info@kaminfabrik.com
Web: www.gartenfabrik.com


Tho­mas Gar­de­ner GmbH & Co. KG

Am Kai­ser­kai 30
20457 Ham­burg

Cont­act per­son: Susan­ne Gie­se­ke
Fon: +49 (0) 40 800 80 88–0
Mail: info@thomasgardener.de
Web: www.thomasgardener-roofs.com


gold-fire Kachel­ofen­bau GmbH & Co. KG

Graf-Ger­hard-Stra­ße 38
41849 Wassenberg

Cont­act per­son: Dome­nik Flesch
Fon: +49 (0) 24 32 22 16
Mail: info@gold-fire.de
Web: www.gold-fire.de

art of fire Design-Forum GmbH

Kas­sen­berg 6
45479 Mül­heim a.d. Ruhr

Cont­act per­son: Niklas Wagner
Fon: +49 (0) 208 439 687 80
Mail: info@artoffire-designforum.de
Web: www.artoffire-designforum.de

Scheidt­mann Fire and Water GmbH

Auf Höwings Feld 234
45770 Marl

Cont­act per­son: Chris­toph Brune
Fon: +49 (0) 1520 9289692
Mail: c.brune@scheidtmann.green
Web: www.scheidtmann-fireplace.de

Ofen­set­ze­rei Oli­ver Neugebauer

Gil­de­stra­ße 7
48356 Nordwalde

Cont­act per­son: Oli­ver Neugebauer
Fon: +49 (0) 2573 37 12
Mail: info@ofensetzerei.de
Web: www.ofensetzerei.de

Solar­lux GmbH

no con­sul­ting & sales
Indus­trie­park 1
49324 Melle

Ope­ning hours:
mo. – fr.: 8 – 18 Uhr
sa. & su.: 10 – 16 Uhr 



Quet­lich Feu­er­kul­tur GmbH

Hohe Stra­ße 1
56410 Montabaur

Cont­act per­son: Oli­ver Quetlich
Fon: +49 (0) 2602 900 90
Mail: info@quetlich.de
Web: www.quetlich.de


Bach­mann KG

Haupt­stra­ße 32
63825 Westerngrund

Cont­act per­son: Jochen Bachmann
Fon: +49 (0) 6024 63 999 80
Mail: info@bachmannkg.de
Web: www.outdoorkueche.online


Tho­mas Lorenz Kachel­ofen & Kamin­bau GmbH

Mer­ce­des­str. 4
71101 Schönaich

Cont­act per­son: Tho­mas Lorenz
Fon: +49 (0) 7031 228585
Mail: lorenz@der-kreative.de
Web: www.der-kreative.de

Ofen­bau Schwarzer

Im Steg 7
74246 Eberstadt

Cont­act per­son: Chris Schwarzer
Fon: +49 (0) 40 800 80 88–0
Mail: mail@ofenbau-schwarzer.com
Web: www.ofenbau-schwarzer.com

Benz – Feu­er nach Maß

Auf der Sche­rers­matt 7
77797 Ohlsbach

Cont­act per­son: Micha­el Benz
Fon: +49 (0) 7803 3900
Mail: info@benz-ofenbau.de
Web: www.benz-ofenbau.de


Der Fischer GmbH & Co. KG

Out­door Design
Gei­sel­gas­teig­str. 126b
81545 München

Cont­act per­son: Johan­nes Fischer
Fon: +49 (0) 89 901 892 0–0
Mail: kontakt@derfischer.design
Web: www.derfischer.design


Owner Tobi­as Vogt
Pan­ger Stra­ße 27
83026 Rosenheim

Cont­act per­son: Tobi­as Vogt
Fon: +49 (0) 8031 679 04
Mail: info@glutsbrothers.de
Web: www.glutsbrothers.de

Linara Kauf­beu­ren GmbH

no con­sul­ting & sales
Bava­ria­ring 22
87600 Kaufbeuren

Ope­ning hours:
mo. – fr.: 8 – 18 Uhr
sa. & su.: 10 – 16 Uhr


Kutz KBH Bau­ele­men­te GmbH

Am Wasen 8
91580 Peters­aurach

Cont­act per­son: Andre­as Kutz
Fon: +49 (0) 9872 9533 89–0
Mail: info@kutz-premium.de
Web: www.kutz-premium.de


Feu­er­l­oft S.à.r.l.

4, rue du Château
5374 Munsbach

Cont­act per­son: Petra Kopp
Fon: +352 (0) 26 71 41 70
Mail: info@feuerloft.lu
Web: www.feuerloft.lu


Lieb­lings­ort AT

Owner Tho­mas Stip­sits
Meri­di­an­weg 4
3261 Steina­kir­chen

Cont­act per­son: Tho­mas Stip­sits
Fon: +43 (0) 664 255 418 2
Mail: office@lieblingsort.at
Web: www.lieblingsort.at

Alexander´s Tisch­ler­werk­statt GmbH

Ermen­stra­ße 4
6845 Hohenems

Cont­act per­son: Alex­an­der Toplitsch
Fon: +43 (0) 676 55 317 48
Mail: info@tischler-werkstatt.at
Web: www.tischler-werkstatt.at

Glav­as­se­vich Win­ter­gärt­ner GmbH

Pir­ka AT
Gewer­be­ring 3
8054 Seiersberg

Cont­act per­son: Mar­tin Glavassevich
Fon: +43 (0) 316 28 25 66
Mail: office@wintergartenbau.at
Web: www.wintergaertner.at


pool­house lifestyle

Owner Patrick Reist
Haus am Bahnhof
Unte­re Gra­benstr. 26
4800 Zofingen

Cont­act per­son: Micha­el Jung
Fon: +41 (0) 62 752 110 0
Mail: info@poolhouse-lifestyle.ch
Web: www.poolhouse-lifestyle.ch

UNIT – Bau­diens­te GmbH

Hasel­mat­te 10d
6210 Sursee

cont­act per­son: Gil­bert Peter
Fon: +41 (0) 921 29 89
Mail: admin@unitbaudienste.ch
Web: www.unitbaudienste.ch

wellflamm.ch AG

Che­mi­née- & Ofenbau
Zie­gel­hof 856
8716 Schmerikon

cont­act per­son: Erwin Wirz
Fon: +41 (0) 55 511 22 51
Mail: info@wellflamm.ch
Web: www.wellflamm.ch


Mar­neth Trading

-Alge­meen agent­schaft voor dea­lers-
Wet­hou­der van Akenstra­at 6
7071 XV Ulft

cont­act per­son: Den­nis Mar­neth
Fon: +31 (0) 6 511 884 47
Mail: info@marnethtrading.nl
Web: www.marnethtrading.nl

Arts Keu­kens en Interieur

Veld­weg 6
5547 BH Rijkevoort

cont­act per­son: Sil­fran Peeters
Fon: +31 (0) 485 573 194
Mail: info@ak.nl
Web: www.ak.nl

Wijnand Keu­kens B.V.

Assiesplein 1
8011 XD Zwolle

cont­act per­son: Jero­en Wijnand
Fon: +31 (0) 38 423 110 0
Mail: jeroen@wijnandkeukens.nl
Web: www.wijnandkeukens.nl
Ten­toon­stel­ling – zon­der advies & ver­koop:

Solar­lux Neder­land B.V.

Marie Curie Stra­at 2
7442 DP Nijverdal

Ope­nings­tij­den: Maan­dag t/m vrij­d­ag: 08:30 – 17:00


Man­tu Ajtó és Ablak Stúdió

1139 Budapest
Röp­pen­tyű u. 73/A

Kapc­solatt­ar­tó sze­mé­ly: Fara­gó Atti­la úr
Fon: +36 (0) 70–450-4782
Mail: info@mantu.hu
Web: www.mantu.hu


Out­doo­ria Living S.L.

Polí­go­no 6, Par­cel­la 656, Son Perello
07300 Inca

Cont­act per­son: Chia­ra Bänninger
Fon: +34 (0) 696 125 775
Mail: mallorca@outdooria-living.com
Web: www.outdooria-living.com

Mar­bel­la & Cos­ta del Sol

Gari Decor
29600 Malaga
Cos­ta del Sol

Cont­act­per­son: Pyry-Emil Palander
Fon: +358 (0) 40 8676959
Mail: pyry@garidecor.com
Web: www.garidecor.com


Alu­win, spol. s.r.o.

Nobelo­vo námes­tie 9–10
85101 Bra­tis­la­va

Kon­takt­ná oso­ba: Pán Ľubomír Kot­le­ba
Fon: +421 911 111 033
Mail: aluwin@aluwin.sk
Web: www.aluwin.sk