High-end meets cozy. Out­door living with style.

This beautiful outdoor kitchen was built exactly to measure on a finca in Mallorca. The Outdoor-Kitchen was created by hand and is made in Germany.

High-end meets cozy Out­door living with style Frei­luft­kü­che of the month Octo­ber Out­door kit­chens are in trend.  This Frei­luft­kü­che, which we recent­ly built on a fin­ca in Mal­lor­ca, is per­fect­ly inte­gra­ted into the struc­tu­ral con­di­ti­ons of the buil­ding and har­mo­ni­zes per­fect­ly with the typi­cal vege­ta­ti­on of the Balea­ric island.  Spe­cial fea­tures are the rustic river stone pool and […]